Monday, October 15, 2007

Washer and Dryer Appreciation Day!

Hopefully this video will help you appreciate your washing and drying machine! This is a housekeeper in the common area of our flat washing clothes. The clip only shows a small portion of the work she is doing. First she dips the clothes in a bucket of clean water. Then she dips them multiple times in bucket of detergent water, then she lays them on the ground and scrubs each piece, dips them back in the detergent water, rinses them off in the clean water bucket, wrings them out then hangs them to dry. She has to do this many times b/c not all the clothes she is washing fit into one bucket load. All while wearing a long skirt!:D This is everyday, and most housekeepers have multiple homes they take care of. I'm sure after that she has to fold and put the clothes away too. I really appreciate the washer and dryer Brian bought me!! Although our housekeeper did this huge chore for us, our clothes looked "worn" from the scrubbing and smelled sour from drying in the humidity. Thank you Lord for luxuries we don't deserve!


Mary K. said...

WOW!! Her back must hurt being bent over like that! That really makes me thankful for my washer and dryer. I'm done complaining about laundry.

Colette Frazier said...

no kidding--she probably sleeps great at night!