Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Morning

This is a picture of two woman carrying belongings on their head. It's in the street in front of our apartment. You can see many people walking to work or to their house. Women carry goods on their heads with the help of a helmet type support. We see alot of them carrying large urns which they bring to a nearby public well to fill up with water for their household; which means they don't have running water at their house or tent.

The other picture is of the flowers on our balcony that Brian bought a few weeks ago. 3 for $5! (Sorry I'm always giving you prices:) I just think of what it would cost in the u.s. for 3 potted plants and get excited. Side note: A friend emailed and said we must be saving lots of money living here, but about the only things that cost less than the u.s. are food, labor and plants. Everything else is the same or much more:)
There is a man that lives and works on the side of the road near our apartments selling plants. He lives in a blue tarp tent like many do here. The flower to the right had a beautiful, exotic, yellow flower on it until Haddon decided it was fun to take it off:) Hopefully it'll bloom again.


Luciluce666 said...

Hello Frazier 5!!!

Seems like you are all making the most of India, and what a glorious idea to blog your adventures so that we may enjoy in sharing it all with you.

Colette, your pictures and stories really make me nostalgic for my last trip to Bangalore, I was delighted and enchanted by the vivid explosion of color, exotic aromas, and mostly importantly the huge embracing hearts of the Indian people. I'm hoping with all my might that I have the great fortune of being sent out for work again so I could sneak a visit with you guys!!!

I love seeing the pics and films of the boys, they are growing so quickly! Please give them a high five for me and a big ol' hug too.

Love to you all!

Colette Frazier said...

Hi Luci!!!
it's so good to hear from you! that would be awesome if you could come here and visit! we'll hope with you!
the boys are having so much fun here--i'll tell them you said hi.