Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Out of Commission

I've been away from the computer for a few days due to a stomach flu that Corban and I caught Monday after lunch. We must have gotten it from something we ate. This has happened to us quite a few times since living here but this was definitely the hardest hit. The worst part was that Brian was out of town the night it first hit. I thought that I might have to drive me and all the kids to the hospital in the middle of the night:) but I prayed that the Lord would get me through and He did. 48 hours later I managed to take a shower and sit at the computer. It's amazing how those "bugs" really are either exactly 24 or 48 hours. By lunch time today I felt so much better. My two dear friends from church...Sini and Marie...are servants and are making us dinner for 2 nights. That's great because I don't think I could bring myself to cook anything right now!
The other sigh of relief today came about an hour after spotting a flying cock roach in our house. When I first saw it scurry across the kitchen floor I wasn't sure if it was a roach or a mouse. When it entered the living room I was atleast thankful it wasn't a mouse! This is only the 2nd one I've seen in our house which is pretty good for 6 months. But I am deathly afraid of them and don't recall ever being able to kill one on my own from fear of hearing it crunch!:) (I am a self-admitted WHIMP) So as I was "watching my back" for an hour I spotted it inside the bathroom. I had Haddon close the door real fast while I stood by with the broom (and his motorcycle helmet on my head:D I think if it flew on my head I would pass out:). I put a towel at the bottom of the door to make sure it doesn't escape. Brian will have a present when he gets home:) He's my brave husband.


Anonymous said...

Your sweet little son is brave too!

Flory Family Five said...

Soooo Sorry to hear you guys were sick. It is tough when you have a tummy ache. All is fine is just beautiful here today in Pearland!!!

Flory Family Five said...

PS - I HATE ROACHES TOO!!! Especially those that fly....UGH!!!I would have done the exact same thing.

Heather said...

One time in CS, Eric and I were in the computer room, and when he tried to kill a roach, he missed, and we couldn't find it again. The next day when I was in the room, I saw him roaming. I quickly walked out and closed the door. When Eric got home and saw the door closed he started dying laughing b/c he knew exactly why I'd closed it :) It's weird--when I had other roommates, I was always the designated roach-killer, but since I've been married, I just can't bring myself to do it?!