Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank the Lord for Little Girls

In India ultrasounds are illegal to determine a baby's gender. So noone here knows what they are going to have prior to delivery. I haven't read up on the subject (which I probably should do before blogging about it) but this is what I gather...
The government strongly encourages couples to limit there family size to 2 children for conservation purposes. (Another reason our family of five is a freakshow here:) Gender identification is illegal so that parents will not abort the baby if they find out it's a girl. I've seen ads saying that girls are just as important as boys. I'm assuming the reasoning is that if you only get to have 2, the desire is to have boys to carry on the family name, support you when you're old (the eldest son is automatically responsible for this) and to not have to pay a huge wedding dowry (which is also supposed to be illegal but still exists). Really sad.
It was a shock to me when I saw signs posted at different clinics and hospitals about illegal ultrasounds. Mainly b/c in the states most people are happy no matter what gender they are having and it's fun to find out ahead of time (for some:). I definitely don't know the extent of the problem...i'm assuming that since there are plenty of girls here that most people are happy with either gender as well. But it is such a good thing they are protecting little girls. (This is also another reason it is much easier to adopt girls here.)
They do use ultrasounds for preventative care.


Spirit of Adoption said...

wow! It's amazing that the government protects the little girls through not allowing u/s! Praise God!

CKR said...

I have to say, my heart was beating and beating while reading half expecting to see a pregnancy announcment in there - don't do that to me!! You know how much I love to hear someone's pregnant!

Matt & Kristin said...

thanks for sharing about India! I am loving hearing/reading about it!!

Anonymous said...

Most of these signs are, unfortunately, a farce. Although it is illegal here for pre-natal sex determination, it is done every day. The doctors use a "code word" system, among other things. Don't be fooled into believing that any real protection is happening! (In fact, if you keep up with the latest statistics, male/female birth ratios all across India are continuing to worsen). Also, most of those who choose selection/abortion are the wealthy - you should see our neighborhood - at least 90% boys! Sorry to sound depressing, but there are many things we are all still learning about this culture. Our western assumptions don't always ring true here :(