Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Putting it Into Perspective

I was beginning to dread the journey we have coming up this week...
Since the new airport is much farther from our house (1 hr 45 min with no traffic), we will be spending the night in a cab and the airport (which means not sleeping) to catch our plane that leaves at 4 am Friday morning. We have 24 hours of travel (21 in the air). We have a 14th month old that communicates by screaming and screeching his desires (which is really what i'm dreading:) and to top it off I've heard rumors that airlines are flying at slower speeds due to fuel prices! Maybe you can imagine the bitter sweet thoughts of starting off our journey.

Well, I happened to read my friend's blog late one night this week and saw a post about this precious baby girl Elysha. Her parents, after surgery and a hard fought battle, were having to pull the plug on her breathing tubes that same day and watch their sweet baby go to be with Jesus.

It really puts things into perspective...I bet they would give anything to fly for 22 hours with a screaming baby--probaby 100 hours--just to have her with them.

Thank you Lord for reality checks and please, please help me not to grumble.


Anonymous said...

Hey Collette!
It's been a while since i've been able to stop by and say hello to you guys. I hope everything is going well with the family, and hopefully I'll be able to see you all soon!