Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random Notes and the Attack of the Ice Cream

Translating english (U.S.) vegetable names for english (British) vegetable names (passed onto India)...

Bell Pepper=Capsicum
Okra=Lady Finger
and lots of others that I have no idea what they are:)

The grocery store I shop at has one telephone line...if someone is talking on the phone they can't run credit cards. There's usually only one check-out line open...this causes problems. I have to say it usually takes longer to check out than it does to shop--even if no one is on the phone:) Imagine if WalMart only had one telephone line:) scary thought. Our little grocery store is about 1/100 of the size of Walmart--they have an excuse to only have one phone line i guess:)

Even after 9 months living here I'm still flabbergasted that there are no streets signs--even at major intersections. We have a great map but no signs:) I'm always on an adventure driving. I usually pass by things atleast twice as i circle the area looking for my destination. Amazingly, by the Lord's help we end up where we are supposed to be and then back home. Seriously, you could drive around for hours in this city:)

I've mentioned before that there is a store for everything here...well i went to the light store the other day to buy light bulbs. To my surprise, the light store doesn't sell light bulbs (just fixtures):D They told me to go to the "electrical store" down the street. Indeed this is the light bulb's about all they had-- plus ceiling fans--which the light store had as well:)

Kai had lots of fun eating an ice cream cone all by himself...


Anonymous said...

Cucumbers are gherkins.

Kai is so adorable.

Matt & Kristin said...

I love those pics of Kai. What a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww! Kai has changed so much since Christmas. He has the absolute sweetest smile ever! :D

Can't wait to see y'all!

Auntie E