Monday, August 25, 2008

Haddon Turns 3!

Haddon celebrated his 3rd birthday with 3 days of fun. Friday night we sang happy birthday and ate cake with our church small group. Our friend Sini is making homemade cakes so we could special order a Power Ranger cake. It was the best chocolate b-day cake I have ever eaten!!

Saturday Brian took the day off from work to celebrate. We went to the botanical gardens called Lalbaugh. The boys took their cars to roll down the big hill. We saw monkeys and climbed the roots of a very old tree. After naps at home, we headed to a nearby mall to play in the arcade and eat dinner.

Sunday was Haddon's actual birthday. He opened his present...Power Rangers...the superhero of the month:)...and went to church. All 3 boys got haircuts too. We had a great weekend eating pizza three nights in a row (there's a theme going on here:) and lots of chocolate cake! Most importantly Haddon has lived 3 years of blessing the lives of those around him. He is a precious boy and we thank the Lord so much for letting us enjoy him.