Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving we woke up thankful that we don't live in Mumbai (Bombay). I'm sure most of you have heard of the tragedy so I won't retell the events. Bangalore is south of Mumbai by many hours so we aren't "living" the reality of this, but it is terrible news to have to digest. Thank you to those of you who sent emails and word of your prayers. Bangalore has had bombings as well in the last 6 months but nothing compared to this.

The amazing thing is I'm not afraid (and those of you who know me well know I have some anxiety issues in this area of my life:). I think this must be how there are still NY'ers living in NY after Sept. 11 and how there are still people living in many middle eastern countries that face bombings everyday. You have to detach yourself. We tell ourselves..."well we don't frequent these targeted places and we feel safe where we live". Now if these things that happened in Mumbai or Bangalore would have taken place down my street or in my neighborhood I know for certain I wouldn't be feeling the same...Brian would either have to stop me from packing our bags or help me pack them depending on how he was feeling:) (He is more rational in his faith than I am in a time of crisis:)

On a lighter sweet hubby made a spur of the moment decision to send me and the boys to the U.S. to visit for 3 weeks! We bought the tickets on Saturday, leave this coming Monday and will be back Christmas day to be with him. I am just so excited I didn't think I'd be able to wait a whole week before we go!:) And the boys are equally excited. We will be running b/w TX and La. during those weeks but hopefully we'll get to see as many people as possible. This is such a gift and I thank the Lord for making this happen and giving me such a sweet husband to let us go away for 3 weeks.

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!