Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A First

Yesterday we mailed our first letter from India! After 15 months!! There aren't many post offices near us so we had to drive about 30 minutes (really only about 5 miles, but with traffic). They had closed an hour earlier but the staff were still working and kind enough to sell me some stamps. They were not the self-adhesive kind but conviently the post office provided a large jar of glue and a paint brush to stick the stamps on. One of the staff did the gluing for me and stuck the letter in the letter box still wet. I hope it makes it:) This is test run #1. I've never seen another drop box around town but the woman assured me there were more. If anyone here knows what they look like can you let me know?

Another piece of non-important info (well except for Bangalorians)...
I recently saw signs around Bangalore advertising
an all-in-one emergency response phone number...108. This would serve like 911. Before now, from what I could gather, there were multiple numbers in which you had to recall from memory in your time of emergency. For example...101 Police, 102 Fire, 103 Ambulance (there's also 1066), 104 for accidents, and I saw in Kolkata 105 for heart attacks. That's a lot of numbers to remember or program into your cell phone. I think 108 is much more efficient:)


Anonymous said...

The letter boxes are red with white writing on them - some are in English and Kannada, others just in Kannada. Best to bring mail to the post office, though.

As for the 108 number, don't trust it. Write down the ambulance/emergency numbers for the larger hospitals in town (Manipal has one, and probably Appollo as well.

Nathan and Rachel Waldock said...

Yeah, as "anonymous" said, I don't know that any of those 100 numbers really work! I've always wondered, but never wanted to HAVE to find out!

And I've never noticed one of those letter boxes either....BUT do you know where the BDA is here in HSR? There's a post office there. That's where we go, and things usually get to the States fine.

Adrienne Renea said...

I love that I can read everything going on ON your blog and talk to you on FB! :c)
Love you all and miss you much!