Friday, October 24, 2008

Techie Friends

I know most people in our fast paced society converse by means other than the phone or personal, text messaging, social websites, blogs, etc. There is really no need to actually hear the other person speaking if you don't have to. I'm ok with that because I'm not a big phone person--i forget to pick it up and dial-a-friend-- and I love being able to edit my words:)

But one thing I've noticed living here, is that with the majority of my friends it actually makes our conversations a lot more enjoyable to not talk on the phone:) Whether they are Indian, British, German, Danish, you name it (except Americans) the conversation is always laced with "I'm sorry, say that again?", "What was that?" "I didn't get that", and saying "yes" yet only being half, maybe not at all, sure of what you just agreed with:) Without being able to read lips it is hard to get through very many sentences without having to ask for a rewind/repeat of that word or sentence. And add a southern U.S. drawl with rapid speed (is that an oxymoron? speed drawl?:) (either way that's my accent:) and the poor person on the other line is probably just bewildered:)
So I am very grateful for text messages (which i now live by), email, blogs, IM, etc. My friends of every tribe and tongue can understand me and I can understand them.

Ok, I do love to be face to face with people and believe true friendship can only deepen when you are conversing in the same room...screaming kids and all...but for those in between times--gotta have the tech props!


Jill Trew Davidson said...

This is an understatement!!! I feel the same way. I find mtself talking slow to danny and the kids....It is so funny!!!