Thursday, May 15, 2008

Baby Naming and Attack of the Pearland Ants

Yesterday we attended our first "baby naming" event. Hindus wait to give their baby an official name until they are older--this baby was 9 months. So they are called "Baby" until they receive their real name at a ceremony. We went to Brian's co-workers house (mom of the baby) to eat lunch and visit. They received guests from morning til night and were dressed up for the big event. We ate a "meal" (rice with different gravies) on a big banana leaf with no silverware--which is normal--i just haven't gotten used to slurping up rice with my fingers. I used the hard tostado-like bread as a shovel:) This family, like many others, have built-in altars set up to their household gods. They had offered their "gods" fruit and flowers for this occasion. It really makes the Old Testament come alive.
Attack of the Pearland Ants...I usually try to check the U.S. National headlines each day. I don't usually read them but when I saw that Houston is being invaded by ants that destroy computers I had to read it. The two people they interviewed lived in Pearland. Props go out to all my Pearland friends who are being attacked by these creatures!! That probably means that our house is too. I hope it was just media hype and not as bad as it really sounds...they said the population is in the billions! yikes!