Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Cast is History!

Corban got his cast off today!! Hooray! I'm not sure who is happier...him or me:)

I'm posting before and after pics. He doesn't look too happy in any of them but he is:) I'm really not sure that he knew what to make of the event. I think he was excited but there was the unknown factor...what will it be like without this attachment on my arm? There is also video of the cast being removed. He was very brave. I had Haddon and Kai there too so you can hear me trying to keep them in order in b/w cheering for Corban:) BTW...Kai wasn't crying b/c of the loud saw...he was crying b/c he wanted Haddon's toy:) I didn't realize when I stopped the second video that Haddon was feeling Corban's arm. I thought that was really cute when I watched it later and wish I would have known to keep filming:)
Corban says his arm feels like it's floating in space...i'm sure a cast can weigh you down after 6 weeks:)

The most amazing part about this...and I do mean that after 4 doctor visits (to the chief doctor of the hospital), 8 x-rays, 2 casts put on and 2 casts taken off, the total cost was less than $100!!! Oh that to the 1000's of dollars it cost for the uninsured E.R. bill and ambulance ride in the U.S. (We'll be getting travel insurance on our next visit:D) I'm not trying to invoke sympathy...the Lord is such a wonderful Provider and thankfully in America there is the "monthly payment plan"... but it goes to show the INFLATION of health care in the states. But you know I must say that in most of the he U.S. you are getting/paying for state of the art treatment and technology. I think the x-ray machine at the hospital here has to be as old as me (that's over 30 years old!:D). I prayed every time that Corban got one of the 8 x-rays that he wouldn't be "over-radiated".
I'm so thankful that his arm is healed and that in both locations, here and the states, we had great medical treatment. And,with 3 boys, I realize this is only the beginning of the injury list !

Part 1...the SAW!

Part 2...the finished product!


Melissa said...

Yay, Corban!

I guess I'll have to get used to lots of injuries too!

Anonymous said...

I had my arm in a cast at about the same age. Though I don't remember it vividly, hearing and seeing the saw brought back some cobwebbed memories in this old brain of mine.

You're a brave mama, Colette!