Sunday, May 3, 2009

Haddon and Madonna

Last night we went to a local mall to dine at McDonald's. We probably go to this mall once a month and our ritual is that after McD's (if you eat all your chicken burger) you get a lollipop from the candy kiosk. When we were purchasing the 3 lollipops one of the guys behind the counter pulls out a folded newspaper and handed it to the watch salesman from the kiosk next to theirs. He pointed to a small picture (the same one above) and made a face saying, "is this you?"

I smiled and said, "Oh, no, that's Madonna and her son":) Then he pointed to the boy in the picture and said, "That's him" and pointed to Haddon!:) They said they remembered us from before and saved the article for when we came in again to show us:)

So a few things are obvious...there are very few Africans or African Americans in hence if you see one he must be the same one in the newspaper:). Next, these men obviously didn't know who Madonna was to assume that I was her or that she would let me borrow her son to live with me in India:) And third, adoption is not on most people's radars in India so since Haddon looked different from us he must be the same child in the paper.

We explained to the man that Haddon was our son and that he was adopted just like Madonna's child is. As we left, I told Brian I thought that was so funny that they saved the article....he said he thought it was scary:)


Unknown said...

Colette - if you were wearing your sunglasses and army gear, I can see why they would think you were Madonna :)

giga said...

You would never wear those boots!

LaurenMZ said...

You do kind-of have Madonna's build, Collette ... :)

Melissa said...

That is too funny!