Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Adoption Day '08

We celebrated Haddon's 3rd Adoption Day last night! The first one was March 3, 2006. Even though Haddon was a Frazier when we left the hospital with him, in the state of TX you have to wait 6 months to "officially" adopt a child. We went before a judge who declared Haddon our son (even though he was since he was born). Now we celebrate that day each year. But on March 3rd we were sick as could be so sadly we had to postpone the celebration. Thankfully last night we got to go to a new mall near us and play all the arcade games (India's version of Chuck E Cheese minus the pizza) and then eat in the food court. Haddon had a blast riding a bumper car with daddy, riding a motorcycle video game, a race car and playing in the balls. He was so hungry he ate 2 hotdogs (chickendogs:) and lots of peanut butter and chocolate icecream!
He doesn't understand what Adoption Day means yet but he knows how much we love him and we thank the Lord that He gave us this son to love, take care of and watch him grow up into a little man. He is so precious.