Tuesday, October 9, 2007

One Last Time

I promise this will be the last time I blog about grocery shopping!! You can tell what kind of life I have when my blog consists mainly of grocery excitement:) A pretty uneventful one:D but nonetheless, i just had to post some pics of our shopping experience...we take the umbrella stroller to carry Haddon and grocery bags, Kai is in a carrier on my hip and Corban rides his scooter. In the store we use a tiny grocery basket that Haddon rides in the front of and Corban in back when he gets tired of walking. He had all the food stacked on his legs:)
And guess what I found at the checkout counter?!! Tortillas!! I could not believe my eyes. They weren't called tortillas, an indian name instead, but they are TORTILLAS! We are having mexican tonight!! They were 6 for 20 cents! Can't beat that.

I put the picture of Corban on his scooter to show the night air. Nope, it's not snow falling, it's dust that can only be seen at night on a camera:) But it's there all the time and we are breathing it!:D but i just tell myself that we lived near 100's of refineries in Houston plus a landfill less than a 1/4 mile:) pollution is everywhere.

BTW...this is interesting to me...eggs and milk are not kept cold at the store. I guess the eggs are really fresh. The milk comes in boxes (with a longer shelf life) and doesn't have as much protein as in the States. You have to add protein powder to it which means the boys get to drink chocolate milk:) they love that. You can get fresh milk delivered to your door but it has to be boiled. I'm usually walking out the store with 4-6 boxes which lasts under a week in our house.

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Anonymous said...

That grocery store looks great - you guys are so blessed!! I love all the details! :) Love you all.

Colette Frazier said...

thanks Desiree! i used picasa to blog those pics:) LOVE it! and the grocery store too!

Nathan and Rachel Waldock said...

Ah, Nilgiris...yes, that's a great place for us Americans. =) One just opened down the road from us, and I was thrilled to find mens STICK deodorant! As you may have noticed, spray-on deodorant is sold all over the place, but it is difficult to find it in stick form.

I'm spending way too much time reading your blog this afternoon. =) It is just interesting to get your perspective on things. I've been chuckling at many of your situations that are so familiar to those of us ex-pats living in India, but so foreign to most Americans. Life is interesting here. =)