Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Graduation Day!

I've always thought elementary/middle school graduations were silly. What are you really graduating from or to when you finish 1st grade or 5th grade? You're going to the next grade...big deal:) But after completing our first year of homeschool I am all about GRADUATION and celebration now! Why yes, there is cause to celebrate after completing kindergarten!! Not only for Corban but for me:) Btw, I found kindergarten much more informative the second go round:) I actually learned some things I don't ever remember learning:) Just think of all that I will learn in the next 15+ years of homeschooling!

Today was our last day of school so we made a construction paper graduation hat and a cookie cake to celebrate. And we went for a of Corban's favorite things to do. It was a great day.

Corban also learned to tie his shoe last week. We watched a few youtube demos, he sat down and tied his own shoe in about five minutes! It goes to show that if you wait until they are ready it goes ALOT faster. I had tried teaching him before but it didn't compute. Now he's tying every time. I'll have to remember this as I start Kai on hardcore potty training next week. When he's ready he'll do it...i'm just afraid from what I've seen so far he may not be ready for another year:) But atleast I can say I tried:)


Melissa said...


Adrienne Renea said...

Yay!! Go Corban! And Go Mrs. Colette! COngrats on finishing!!

That cookie cake looks scrumptious!

giga said...

congratulations! Corban looks so grown up.